2014 01 15 Comet Lovejoy 18x45s  On January 15, 2015 I decided to try to get more detail on the very bright comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy.  This interpretation integrates 18-45 sec images and it shows very interesting linear features in the tail of the comet. I captured the image with an unmodified Canon T5i equipped with a 200mm lens. Image processed with PixInsight.  Date:1/15/15 Location: Hutville, OH Mount: AstroTrac Camera: Canon T5i Optics: Canon 200mm f/2.8 lens Exposure: 16x48 secs Processing: PixInsight 20150113 Comet Lovejoy 16x30s  On the frigid night off January 14, 2015 it finally cleared up enough to allow me to image C/2014Q2 Comet Lovejoy. It was clearly visible with binoculars and I was hoping to get some detail by taking an image. I was not disappointed. This is a composite of 16 - 30-second images taken with a Canon T5i through a 200mm lens. The tail is phenomenal. 131109 Comet ISON C2012 S1 LRGB 10x30secs  Here's an image of Comet ISON C/2012 S1 taken on 11/9/13.  The comet is well on its way to its close encounter with the Sun, it will reach perihelion on November 28.  As it gets closer and closer to our Sun it is expected to increase in magnitude quite dramatically.  If it survives the close call with the Sun it should be visible again during the first part of December. Image Details: Date:11/9/13 Location: Hutville, OH Mount: Paramount ME Camera: Apogee U16M Optics: Planewave CDK-17 Exposure: L=R=G=B = 10x30 secs Processing: PixInsight 131109 Comet Lovejoy C2013 R1 9x30s  Outshining the other three comets in the Mid-November 2013 sky Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy was about magnitude 6 when I took this image. This latest Comet Lovejoy will reach perihelion on December 25, 2013 it will then start the long orbit that will bring it back in about 7000 years hence. Image Details: Date:11/9/13 Location: Hutville, OH Mount: Paramount ME Camera: Apogee U16M Optics: Planewave CDK-17 Exposure: L=R=G=B = 9x30 secs Processing: PixInsight
bradfield 4-28-04-8x6s ddp 2x Q4 5-8-04- 6x120s ddp Q4 5-16-04-9x2m ddp NI Comet Q4 5-8-04
mcholtz 1-9-05 10x2 ddp ps ni 061025-comet-swan-10x10s ni 103P Hartley Light 180SecISO800Av2.8 000020 Garrad 5x3 cr ht
20140803 Comet 2014E2 Jaques LRGB st 6x1min  In August 2014 Comet 2014E2 (Jaques) started to become bright enough to be seen with modest telescopes and even binoculars from a dark site.  This image of 6 minutes each of LRGB captures it as it moves across the sky.